
Planet Word Museum: Multilingual Interactive Installation

Project - Multilingual
Conceptualization, Ui/Ux, Design Prototyping, Art Direction of the Experience

Role - Conceptualized and designed the data-driven, interactive experience. Worked with a language expert to map and create a language organization system. Worked closely with the creative developer to develop a collaborative process for prototyping and testing through the evolution of the visual language. Storyboarded and art directed the experience along with the creative director.

Agency - Sosolimited
Client - Planet Word Museum
Design Partner - Eric Gunther



Multilingual is a meaningful interactive experience that gives visitors an appreciation of the diversity of languages spoken at Planet Word Museum and on Planet Earth.


Over 6,000 languages and dialects are spoken and signed in the world today. ​Multilingual​ is a data-driven artwork visualizing how many of those languages have been used by visitors to Planet Word.

This gives visitors a chance to leave their lasting mark on the museum, by contributing to a stunning artistic data visualization that celebrates them through their origins and the languages they speak.

First prompt of the interactive experience. Visitors are asked to pick the number of languages they speak or sign.

First prompt of the interactive experience. Visitors are asked to pick the number of languages they speak or sign.

Museum Installation

Museum Installation


Particle Organization system

Each bubble is a language, connected to a point below representing the visitor who speaks it and the place the visitor lives. Related languages are organized into groups of similar color.


The growing collection of bubbles shows the history of all the languages spoken and signed in the halls of Planet Word since it’s opening . Visitors leave their mark as part of the experience and help grow the Planet Word community over time.



The Visual Language of the particle system evolved over time through the process of digital sketching and rapid prototyping. I worked closely with the creative developer to explore the look and feel of the particles.

Storyboard for the 3D Camera Animation

Storyboard for the 3D Camera Animation

UI Flats

UI Flats

Digital sketches to explore language mapping

Form and motion prototypes

Form Evolution

Form Evolution
