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JP Morgan Advisors


Project - JP Morgan Advisors Brand System
CX Strategy and Design 

Role - Developed an updated brand system for J.P. Morgan Advisors, creating a natural but elevated extension of the J.P. Morgan brand. The new system provides an experience better aligned with JPMA’s exclusive offerings and clientele. 

Agency - frog
Client - JP Morgan Chase



Crafting a brand system for J.P. Morgan Advisors that seamlessly extends the sophistication and trust of the J.P. Morgan brand



J.P. Morgan Advisors is a sub-line of business within J.P. Morgan Wealth Management that exclusively serves HNW and UHNW clients. Its boutique scale and family-office style differentiate it from competitors by allowing advisors to form intimate partnerships and highly personalized financial solutions for each of their clients.

As an organization that primarily serves wealthy families and individuals with highly complex financial needs, JPMA recognized that its brand materials did not reflect the quality of service and personalized care that its advisors provide and that its clientele expects. JPMA asked frog to design a new brand system that would entice both advisors and clients to work with JPMA. 



We explored multiple possible design directions, experimenting with relative levels of emotional and aesthetic emphasis on JPMA's core experience principles and brand promises, including simplicity, intimacy, expertise and personalized partnership. We also developed JPMA’s brand positioning and voice to reflect the design language of the new system. Its foundational pillars were exclusivity, intimacy, precision, and power.

As part of these design explorations, we developed accompanying guidelines to ensure that design, imagery and language worked together to communicate the value, quality and capability of JPMA advisors to existing and prospective clients.  

Visual Direction

Embracing the profound legacy that spans generations, this design direction draws inspiration from J.P. Morgan's rich historical archives to connect with a modern audience. It elegantly references the fluidity of archives, the evolution of collections, and the trajectory of progress. The chosen color palette and layouts exude a gentle and rejuvenating aura, infusing a sense of well-being into the realm of finance. In the world of financial advising, where the goal is to cultivate a holistic perspective on clients' portfolios, this direction mirrors that holistic approach. It's all about assembling the mosaic of financial elements into a coherent and comprehensive picture.



We delivered the new brand direction across various experience touchpoints, including core experience principles, printed and digital materials such as brochures, presentations and branded folders, web design, and robust brand guidelines that outlined how to use the new system. JPMA’s new brand felt like a natural but elevated extension of the JPM Master Brand. 

One of the design elements in the new system included a script handwriting to reinforce the personal relationships that advisors build with their clients. Frog collaborated with Herzberg Design Co to create a custom script typeface for exclusive use by JPM Wealth Partners. Overall, the advisors were very happy with their new branded materials.